President Halimah Yacob’s recent visit to the Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Association (FBPW)-Singapore, held on 15 August 2020. It was a possibility and a successful meet up, despite the social distancing measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. President of FBPW, Dr Janet Sosna, Presidents of the 3 Chapters, namely, Kim Underhill (Main Chapter), Helen Guo (Mandarin Chapter) and Teresa Teo Lay Yan (Third Chapter), presented the mission, objectives and past events of their Club.  Triena Ong, second Vice-President (FBPW), also presented the UN Sustainable Development Goals of each Club. Dr Elsie Yu of Business & Professional Women(Singapore) -Third  Chapter presented Mdm President a sculptor as a welcoming gift. On the whole, it was a fruitful engagement and a memorable event.